Game of Thrones Season 6 Q&A Episode 1 – Azor Ahai and Jon Snow

Here is the first of many Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire Q&A videos. A lot focus on the Azor Ahai prophecy and a Jon Snow / Kit Harrington return, Keep the questions coming and tag them (for Q&A) if you want me to answer them in a video. Discuss!

Is Jon Snow Really Dead ? Game of Thrones, Azor Ahai explained.

Game of Thrones: Did Jon Snow really die when stabbed by the Nights Watch? Here is the Azor Ahai prophecy explained, and how Jon Snow may or may not return as Azor Ahai. Daenerys Targaryen also fits the prophecy. Here I go over the various aspects of Azor Ahai and how both Jon Snow and Dany may fulfill the requirements. Discuss!