Game of Thrones Season 6 Q&A – Bran Stark Visions Explained | Will Sam Become a Wizard?

Here is another Game of Thrones / ASOIAF Season 6 Q&A. I answer viewers questions regarding Jon Snow, House Ancestral Valyrian Steel Swords, R+L=J and Targaryen features, magic in the world of ice and fire, as well as Bran Starks visions in A Dance With Dragons. Enjoy and Discuss!

Game of Thrones Season 6 – How House / Bran Stark Got Warg Ability | History and Lore

Here I discuss what I believe to be the way that The Kings of Winter / House Stark got their warging abilities. Along with the Targaryen’s, House Stark is the only other house that displays magic power. This is obviously genetic, but when did they acquire this magical DNA? Discuss!

Jon Snow / Kit Harrington Game of Thrones Season 6 Leaked Set Photo Explained – Not a Flashback!

Here I discuss the Jon Snow / Kit Harrington leaked set photo that some speculate to be a flashback scene. I explain why it is not a flashback scene and why our favorite bastard son of ice and fire is alive and well and looking like a Stark. Is Melisandre / Carice Van Houten in this picture too? Discuss!

Game of Thrones / ASOIAF Season 6 Theory Q&A – R+L=J+M and HR=HS ?

Here is the latest Q&A for Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire. Here I get into ice dragons, wildlings, Azor Ahai, as well as my thoughts on popular fan theories including R+L=J+M ( Jon Snow and Meera Reed twins theory) and HR=HL (Is Howland Reed actually the High Sparrow ). This went a bit longer than I anticipated, but hopefully a good one. Do agree or disagree with Jon Snow and Meera possibly being twins or think Howland Reed is the High Sparrow? Discuss!

Game of Thrones / ASOIAF Theory: Are Jon and Daenerys Twins ?

Due to popular demand and many comments and questions here I discuss if Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are perhaps twins. Or even just siblings. Were they both born at the Tower of Joy by Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen? Or perhaps they are siblings born at separate times, is this possible in the timeline? Discuss!

Game of Thrones / ASOIAF : Top 5 Missing Characters (Feat. Bar Tube)

Here Bar (From Bar Tube, link below) and I collaborate, and discuss the Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire top 5 missing characters. These people have gone missing in action and disappeared. Where are they now? Will they return? Who are your picks for missing characters? Discuss!

Game of Thrones Season 6 Q&A – Is Daenerys Targaryen Fire Proof?

Here is another Game of Thrones Q&A. I answer a few Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire questions from subscribers. This week topics range from Jon Snow and his burns, to a Maesters journey, as well as an older debate about Daenerys being fireproof. Has George RR Martin changed his mind? Be sure to tag any comments or questions with (for Q&A) if you would like them answered in future vids. Discuss!

Game of Thrones – House of the Undying Visions Explained Part 4

Game of Thrones – House of the Undying Visions Explained Part 4

Here is the 4th and last video in my series on the House of the undying, and Daenerys’ visions explained (Book version). As compared to Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire version has many more visions, some which are memories, some prophecy, some advice. This fourth set of visions explained are what I call the “quick visions”, where Daenerys receives her last visions before escaping the House of the Undying with Drogon. Again, this happens in book 2, A Clash of Kings. Discuss!

Game of Thrones – House of the Undying Visions Explained Part 3

Here is the 3rd video to a 4 part series on the House of the undying, and Daenerys’ visions explained (Book version). As compared to Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire version has many more visions, some which are memories, some prophecy, some advice. This third set of visions explained are what I call the “title visions”, where Daenerys receives 3 titles and 3 visions with each. Again, this happens in book 2, A Clash of Kings. Discuss!

Game of Thrones – House of the Undying Visions Explained Part 2

Here is the 2nd video to a 4 part series on the House of the undying, and Daenerys’ visions explained (Book version). As compared to Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire version has many more visions, some which are memories, some prophecy, some advice. This second set of visions explained are the set she receives once she reaches the undying warlocks in A Clash of Kings. Discuss!