Game of Thrones – House of the Undying Visions Explained Part 1

Here is the 1st video to a 4 part series on the House of the undying, and Daenerys’ visions explained (Book version). As compared to Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire version has many more visions, some which are memories, some prophecy, some advice. This first set of visions explained are the first set she receives in A Clash of Kings. Discuss!

Game of Thrones Season 8 and Prequel ? | HBO Announcement

Here I discuss the HBO announcement of extending Game of Thrones beyond season 7 for at least one more season for a total of (at least) 8 seasons. Is this stretching it out too far? Also the announcement of a possible Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire prequel. What type of spin-off would you like to see? Discuss!

Game of Thrones R+L=D and B+A=J ? An Alternate Jon Snow / Dany Theory

What really happened at the Tower of Joy? Most of us buy into the ASOIAF / Game of Thrones fan theory R+L=J, but is there evidence to support another theory, R+L=D and that Jon Snow was not the result of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark? If so could B+A=J be the truth? I go over it here, Discuss!

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10 Review “Mother’s Mercy” | Is Jon Snow Dead?

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10 Review “Mother’s Mercy” Is Jon Snow Dead?

Stannis loses it all; Brianne gets justice; Melisandre heads back to the Wall; Theon and Sansa escape Winterfell; Arya gets revenge for a price; Mutiny at the Wall as Sam heads off to Old Town to train as a maester, leaving Jon Snow behind to feel the wrath of Olly and the Nights Watch. Is Jon Snow Dead?

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 Review / Recap | The Dance of Dragons

Jon Snow returns to the wall and faces anger. Arya continues her training but runs into someone from her past. Jamie and Bron are freed by the Martell’s with conditions. Stannis Baratheon sacrifices his daughter Shireen to win the North. Daenerys Targaryen is rescued from the Mereen fighting pits by riding her biggest dragon, Drogon.

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 8 Hardhome Review / Recap | The Nights King

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 8 Hardhome Review / Recap | The Nights King

Dany and Tyrion have a conversation as he becomes her advisor. Jorrah makes his way back to the fighting pits. Sansa and Theon talk and she discovers that her brothers are in-fact alive. Ramsey Bolton plans to take a small unit to attack Stannis. Olly schemes at the all talking to Sam. Jon goes to Hardhome and encounters the white walkers and their zombie army. The Nights King reveals himself.

Lady Stoneheart in Game of Thrones Season 5 ?

New fan speculation that Michelle Fairley may return to the cast of Game of Thrones as Lady Stoneheart. With new rumors on top of an IMDB listing showing the actress in episode 5 as a “hooded woman”. Could we see Catelyn Stark 2.0? Would you like to see Lady Stoneheart or see the show stick with “Dark Sansa” storyline?

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 6 Review

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 6 Review / Recap.

Cersei is up to no good executing her plan against Margery and the Tyrell’s, the Sand Snakes fight Bron and Jamie as they try to rescue Marcella, Tyrion and Sir Jorrah get captured by slavers, while Sansa marries Ramsey Bolton back in Winterfell. Was it rape?