Game of Thrones Season 7 Q&A – What Did Varys Hear The Flames?

Another Game of Thrones Season 7 Q&A. Several good Game of Thrones season 7 questions this week including Varys and the voice, Jon and Aegon, Bran and Warging, among others. Get hype for Game of Thrones season 7, only 3 months away! Thanks for watching! Please Like, share and subscribe!

Game of Thrones Season 7 Predictions – Ice Dragon And Bran Starks Dilemma

Game of Thrones season 7 ice dragon’s and Bran Starks dilemma. Will we see an ice dragon, how will the wall fall, and will Bran have a tough decision in Game of Thrones season 7? Thanks for watching! Please Like, share and subscribe!

SmokeScreen Radio Game Of Thrones Q&A Episode 1

Latest Game of Thrones Q&A as we take questions from subscribers and fans from the SmokeScreen YouTube Channel. Now available on Soundcloud and iTunes

coming soon!

Game of Thrones Season 6 – Bloodraven / Brynden Rivers Theory Part 2

Game of Thrones Season 6 Bloodraven Part 2. Here I discuss how Brynden Rivers, AKA Bloodraven, AKA The 3 eyed crow obtained his abilities in the first place as well as go into some speculation and theory of what Bloodraven’s motives and alliances may be. As well as his endgame and what he wants with Bran Stark and Jon Snow. Has he controlled Westeros and its events the entire time? Discuss!

Star Wars The Force Awakens – Is Rey Luke Skywalker’s Daughter and Snoke Darth Plagueis ?


After watching Star Wars the Force Awakens there seems to be evidence that Rey is Luke Skywalker’s daughter and Supreme Leader Snoke is in-fact Darth Plagueis as some of us predicted. After seeing Star Wars The Force Awakens, what do you think? Who is Rey and is Snoke Darth Plagueis? Discuss!

Star Wars The Force Awakens Full Spoiler Review | Episode 7

Here after many technical difficulties is my Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens Full Spoiler Review. I go through Star Wars The Force Awakens play by play and then take the light side and go over things I loved as well as turn to the dark side and talk about the moments I didn’t like as well. Let me know what you thought as well in the comments below. Discuss!