Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens History of The Jedi Part 1

Here is the long awaited and much requested Star Wars History of the Jedi – Part 1 of 2. I discuss the origin of the Jedi order in regards to the most important parts of the Star Wars timeline that lead to our “current day” Jedi order as follows:

100,000 BBY – The Ancient Kwa Species with Hyper gate Technology meet the Rakata.

36,453 BBY – The Tho Yor Ships Journey to the Planet Tython picking up force sensitives on the way. This leads to the foundation of the Jed’aii order.

36,019 BBY – First Jed’aii Academy is founded.

35,000 BBY – The Rakata powerd by the Dark Side establish the Infinite Empire.

25,805 BBY – The Jed’aii face their first conflict in the Despot Wars.

25,817 BBY – The Force Hound crashes on Tython with the technology that would lead to light sabers.

25,793 BBY – The Rakatan infinite Empire invades Tython which sparks a division between the Jed’aii themselves.

Enjoy and Discuss!

History of the Sith:

Game of Thrones Season 6 Q&A – Bran Stark Visions Explained | Will Sam Become a Wizard?

Here is another Game of Thrones / ASOIAF Season 6 Q&A. I answer viewers questions regarding Jon Snow, House Ancestral Valyrian Steel Swords, R+L=J and Targaryen features, magic in the world of ice and fire, as well as Bran Starks visions in A Dance With Dragons. Enjoy and Discuss!

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 3 “Thank You” Review / Recap | Is Glenn Really Dead?

Here I review The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 3 “Thank You”. Rick Grimes and the gang try to stop the walker hoard from reaching Alexandria. The group splits up and tries to coexist while trying to come up with a plan to save their home. One of our favorite characters meets his death….or does he? Discuss!

Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens New Final Trailer Review / Breakdown

Here I breakdown last nights final Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens Trailer. This Star Wars Trailer was Epic, if a trailer can be epic, and this is what I think is going on in this final full trailer. Star Wars Episode 7 he Force Awakens opens in in December 18th, 2015. Discuss!

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2 Review / Recap | JSS – Carol is a Ninja!

Here I recap The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2, JSS. “Just Survive Somehow”. Carol and Morgan go full ninja here as the wolves finally attack Alexandria. Carol gets harder, Morgan starts to understand, Enid tells her story, and Carl has a crush. The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2 was action packed and story driven. What did you think? Discuss!

Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens – Poster Analysis – StarKiller Base and Where’s Luke?

Here I look into the new Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens Movie Poster just released. A few interesting nuggets including the new “Death Star” I think referred to as Starkiller Base of the First Order. Is this the ice planet converted to a base? Discuss!

Game of Thrones Season 6 – How House / Bran Stark Got Warg Ability | History and Lore

Here I discuss what I believe to be the way that The Kings of Winter / House Stark got their warging abilities. Along with the Targaryen’s, House Stark is the only other house that displays magic power. This is obviously genetic, but when did they acquire this magical DNA? Discuss!