Star Wars Episode 8 The Last Jedi Honest Spoiler Review!

Star Wars Episode 8 The Last Jedi spoiler reaction and review! Here we discuss Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi and have an honest discussion on how it had major problems. Thanks for watching! Please like, share and subscribe at

Game Of Thrones Prequel Spin Off News! Game Of Thrones Season 8

A Game of Thrones prequel / spin off is coming! Recently George RR Martin has announced that he and Bryan Cogman will work together on a 5th Game OF Thrones prequel. With this years release of ‘Fire and Blood” will we see HBO do a Game Of Thrones spin off on Targaryen history? Game Of Thrones Season 8 is still over a year away, let the speculation begin! Thanks for watching! Please like, share and subscribe!
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Game Of Thrones Season 8 Predictions

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Preview – Top 5 Predictions

Game of Thrones Season 8 Preview and predictions! Game Of Thrones Season 7 is over already, now our wait begins. Here are the first predictions for Game Of Thrones season 8 including Theon and Yara, Jon and Dany baby, Bran Stark, Jamie Lannister and the Night King and his purpose. Game Of Thrones season 8 is 2 years away, how does it end? Thanks for watching! Please like, share and subscribe!


Why Are We Obsessed With Game Of Thrones?

Subscribe! Game of Thrones and why we love it. Here James and I tell you our Game Of Thrones stories, and ask you yours. Why is Game of Thrones a cultural phenomenon and why are we obsessed with it?
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What did Varys Hear In The Flames? Game of Thrones Season 7

Game of Thrones Season 7 – will we find out what Varys heard in the flames and who said it? Here I discuss Varys, his importance to our story and ultimately how his life changed due to his mutilation and the voice in the flames to become a major player in Game of Thrones. Thanks for watching! Please Like, share and subscribe here…ub_confirmation=1

Game of Thrones Season 7 Q&A – What Did Varys Hear The Flames?

Another Game of Thrones Season 7 Q&A. Several good Game of Thrones season 7 questions this week including Varys and the voice, Jon and Aegon, Bran and Warging, among others. Get hype for Game of Thrones season 7, only 3 months away! Thanks for watching! Please Like, share and subscribe!

Game of Thrones Season 6 – Bloodraven / Brynden Rivers Theory Part 2

Game of Thrones Season 6 Bloodraven Part 2. Here I discuss how Brynden Rivers, AKA Bloodraven, AKA The 3 eyed crow obtained his abilities in the first place as well as go into some speculation and theory of what Bloodraven’s motives and alliances may be. As well as his endgame and what he wants with Bran Stark and Jon Snow. Has he controlled Westeros and its events the entire time? Discuss!