Star Wars The Force Awakens – Is Rey Luke Skywalker’s Daughter and Snoke Darth Plagueis ?


After watching Star Wars the Force Awakens there seems to be evidence that Rey is Luke Skywalker’s daughter and Supreme Leader Snoke is in-fact Darth Plagueis as some of us predicted. After seeing Star Wars The Force Awakens, what do you think? Who is Rey and is Snoke Darth Plagueis? Discuss!

Star Wars Episode 7 – The Force Awakens Plot / Synopsis Explained *Possible Spoilers*

Here I discuss what I believe to be the basic plot of Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens. Based off of leaks, speculation and the released trailers, this may be the general plot of Star Wars Episode 7 – The Force Awakens. Obviously this may contain *Spoilers*. Discuss and enjoy! *Note: I misspoke in the video saying it was a Rebel loss, it was actually a victory for the new Republic.