Star Wars The Force Awakens – Is Rey Luke Skywalker’s Daughter and Snoke Darth Plagueis ?


After watching Star Wars the Force Awakens there seems to be evidence that Rey is Luke Skywalker’s daughter and Supreme Leader Snoke is in-fact Darth Plagueis as some of us predicted. After seeing Star Wars The Force Awakens, what do you think? Who is Rey and is Snoke Darth Plagueis? Discuss!

Star Wars The Force Awakens Full Spoiler Review | Episode 7

Here after many technical difficulties is my Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens Full Spoiler Review. I go through Star Wars The Force Awakens play by play and then take the light side and go over things I loved as well as turn to the dark side and talk about the moments I didn’t like as well. Let me know what you thought as well in the comments below. Discuss!

3K Subs Thank You! and Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer Footage

3000 Banner men! Wow, and thank-you all so much! I never thought I would get anywhere close , but thanks to you guys this channel has gained some traction. As a bonus I quickly show and talk about the three new Game of Thrones Season 6 clips released by HBO. Thanks again guys. April is Coming!

Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser – Bloodraven / Brynden Rivers Part 1

Here is part one of my Brynden Rivers / Bloodraven discussion, one of the great Targaryen bastards. Who was Bloodraven before becoming the three eyed crow? How is Bloodraven important to our story on Game of Thrones Season 6 and A Song of Ice and Fire? What does he want with Bran Stark or Jon Snow? What is his endgame? Let’s start with who he was. Discuss!

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 8 Review / Recap | Mid-Season Finale “Start to Finish”

Here I discuss the Walking Dead season 6 episode 8 mid-season finale “Start to Finish”. Alexandria is in trouble, everyone is trapped, Dianna gets bit, Morgan and Carol fight, Denise gets kidnapped, Ron attacks Carl, Rick has a plan, Glenn and Enid find a way, and a future villain Negan is mentioned. Discuss!

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7 Review / Recap | Glenn is Alive.

Glenn is Alive…but I think AMC screwed up. In this episode of The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7 “Heads up”, Rick is still in control but getting pushback, Maggie is hopeful, Enid helps Glenn, Morgan has a secret, Ron is up to something, and the wall comes down. What did you think? Discuss!